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Provides the ability to retrieve the entire structure and hierarchy of categories in your Product Information Management System (PIMS).


The endpoints returns detailed information about a category, including any subcategories that belong to or have been assigned to it. The information returned includes all the data necessary to understand the category hierarchy in the PIMS.

In this endpoint, the cat_data metadata field includes only the cat_image attribute, the path to the category image.

This API call provides a comprehensive and flexible way to retrieve information about categories in your PIMS and can be useful for applications that need to display navigation menus or category hierarchies for user viewing.




    status stringrequired

    The status of the API request. A value of "OK" indicates that the request was successfully sent and processed.

    categoriesTree object[]required

    Structure and hierarchy of categories in PIMS

  • Array [
  • id integerrequired

    Automatically calculated value that represents a unique PIMS internal category ID. You can use to retrieve more details about the category.

    cat_name stringrequired

    The name of the category identified by category ID.

    cat_parent_id integerrequired

    The ID of the parent category.

    cat_path_id stringrequired

    The calculated relative path of the category, uses '>' as a unique category ID separator.

    cat_path stringrequired

    The calculated relative path of the category, uses '>' as a category name separator.

    cat_order integerrequired

    The proper sort order for the categories when displayed in a user interface.

    cat_rank integerrequired

    A numerical classification for the category's rank.

    cat_data object

    Metadata associated with the category. Extendable. In this endpoint, the cat_data metadata field includes only the "cat_image" attribute, the path to the category image.

    cat_image stringrequired

    The path for the image of the category.

  • ]