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PIMS Buckets Management API



The buckets API is designed to simplify the organization and management of assets within PIMS. It allows listing assets in a specific bucket, fetching trees of public and private buckets, creating new buckets, and deleting existing ones. Additionally, assets can be efficiently organized by placing them into specific buckets, providing a structured way to manage and categorize digital resources.

To use this API, send a POST request body JSON. ✔The description of JSON keys is provided in the Example Value and Schema.

Set the action key in the JSON body to one of the following values:

  • listAssetsInBucket: List Assets in a Bucket.Method for listing assets in a specified bucket, providing convenience for organizing assets.

  • moveAssetToBucket: Move Asset to Bucket. Method for initially placing an asset in a bucket or relocating it to a different bucket.

  • getPublicBucketsTree: Get Public Buckets Tree. Method for obtaining a tree of public buckets that can be viewed and modified by everyone.

  • getMyBucketsTree: Get My Buckets Tree.Method for obtaining a tree of private buckets owned by a specific owner (ApiUser or ApiKey).

  • addBucket: Add New Bucket.Method for creating a new bucket with specified characteristics (type, name, parent bucket, order).✔The type parameter can be either "global" or "personal."

  • editBucket: Edit Bucket Metadata.Method for editing bucket metadata, such as parent bucket, name, and order.

  • deleteBucket: Delete Bucket.Method for deleting a bucket. All assets are moved to the parent bucket, and only the owner of the bucket or if the bucket is public can perform this operation.



    action stringrequired

    Possible values: [listAssetsInBucket]

    bucket_id integerrequired



    status stringrequired
    assets object[]required
  • Array [
  • data objectrequired

    Metadata. Extendable.

    url string
    filename string
    type string
    tags string[]
    keywords string[]
    description string
    size string
    asset stringrequired
  • ]