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PIMS Categories Management API



  • Requires Data Editor, Data Manager ApiKey permissions.

  • Example URI:

    This API provides a powerful tool set for adding, editing, and deleting categories, as well as configuring their attributes and filters for product data. You can add images to categories, change categories' hierarchy, and create new categories. With this API, you'll have everything you need to manage your products with ease!

    To use this API, send a POST request with a JSON body. Set the action key in the JSON body to one of the following values:

    • listCategories: Returns comprehensive information about the category hierarchy in the PIM. Data Editor ApiKey permissions.

    • addCategory: Creates a new category. Data Manager ApiKey permissions.

    • editCategory: Modifies an existing category. Data Manager ApiKey permissions.

    • deleteCategory: Removes an existing category. Data Manager ApiKey permissions.

      To perform actions on a category using editCategory or deleteCategory, use the unique internal identifier of the category in PIMS. Specify this value as the value of the id key in the JSON body.

      When editing or adding category attributes, specify the required attributes' names and values in the JSON body in the format 'attribute name' = 'attribute value.'

      If the action is successful, the API response will contain complete updated information about the modified or added category in JSON format. Otherwise, an Error will be returned, providing details on the cause in the status_message.

      Please note the following important aspects of managing categories in PIM:

    • editCategory:

    • You cannot rename a category if there is a category with the same name under the same parent (a conflict will occur).

    • You can specify path or name parameters in the JSON body. If the path is specified, the name parameter will be ignored, and the category will be moved to a new location (if there are no conflicts). If a new category name is specified in the path, the category will be renamed (if there are no conflicts). If neither path nor name is specified, only specified category attributes will be updated, and the hierarchy will not change.

    • Adding filters used for filtering data by product attributes in the specified category:

    • To add or modify category filters, set the value of the cat_filters key in the JSON body. The value of cat_filters is an array of filters used to filter data by product attributes in this category.

The product attribute should not be a Collection and should be Filterable

  • You can specify multiple filters for different product attributes. The structure of each filter depends on its type and is strictly regulated.
  • Use the Example Value and JSON Schema provided in the API documentation to build your filter creation request.
  • When adding or modifying filters, product attribute values specified as ranges or lists for the filter will be automatically recalculated based on all products in the PIMS system.
  • deleteCategory:
  • You can only delete a category after deleting all child categories.



    action stringrequired

    Possible values: [listCategories]



    data object[]required
  • Array [
  • id integerrequired

    Automatically calculated value that represents a unique PIMS internal category ID. You can use to retrieve more details about the category.

    cat_name stringrequired

    The name of the category identified by categoryId.

    cat_parent_id integerrequired

    The relative path of the category that is calculated and uses '>' as a separator for the unique category ID.

    cat_path_id stringrequired

    The calculated relative path of the category, uses '>' as a unique category ID separator.

    cat_path stringrequired

    The calculated relative path of the category, uses '>' as a category name separator.

    cat_order integerrequired

    The proper sort order for the categories when displayed in a user interface.

    cat_data objectrequired

    Metadata associated with the category. Extendable

    status string

    Describes the activity status of the category. In the context of GET API requests, categories are filtered based on their status, and only categories with the active status will be returned. If the status is not explicitly specified, the category is considered active by default and will be included in the query results.

    cat_image string

    The path for the image of the category.

    cat_rank integer

    A numerical classification for the category's rank.

    cat_filters object[]

    Is an array of filters used to filter data by attribute products in this category, and its structure and number of elements depend on the PIM settings. The following is an example of one possible structure.

  • Array [
  • anyOf
    filter_name stringrequired

    The name of the filter.

    filter_values object[]required

    An array of values for the filter, with each item having a "label" and "value" option.

  • Array [
  • label stringrequired

    The label option for the filter value.

    value stringrequired

    The value option for the filter value.

  • ]
  • filter_var stringrequired

    The attribute name by which products will be filtered within this category.

    filter_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [multiselect, dropdown]

    The type of the filter.

  • ]
  • ]
  • status stringrequired

    The status of the API request. A value of "OK" indicates that the request was successfully sent and processed.
