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About endpoints Product

Provides the ability to retrieve complete information about a product and manage your products in the PIMS system.

The Product endpoints return detailed information about the product, its variants, their corresponding attributes, and values.

The Product Data returned by the Product endpoints for each product include:

  • sku: Unique product code or number.
  • title: Short description of the product.
  • thumbnail: Link to internal or external image asset in the form of a url.
  • categories: Collection of categories that the product is assigned to.
  • status: Status of the product. Can only take the following values: active, inactive and deleted.
  • variation_of: Single sku of parent or master product of which this sku or product is a variation. This field value is automatically maintained by the PIMS.
  • variation_skus: List of sku's that are variations of the current product. This field value is automatically maintained by the PIMS.
  • variation_attributes: List of attribute options for the current product and SKUs specified in variation_skus. The values of these attribute data are set as variations of the product.

Important part: in API call the program checks for a parent reference, and if it exists, overrides the variation_attributes of the child from the parent's JSON.

  • variation_matrix:Information about product variations, their attributes, and corresponding values. It is structured as a nested JSON object, where the variation SKUs serve as keys and their attribute-value pairs as values. It is dynamic data that can change depending on the product and its variations.

✔Additional product attributes may be available depending on the PIM settings.

✔All Product endpoints include a definition object, which provides complete information about the structure of each attribute in the PIMS system.

✔All API endpoints utilize the ApiView header parameter (optional), which represents the View name from the PIM's view Dictionary

✔If the ApiView parameter is not passed (or wrongly set), data is returned according to the default View defined for the access group (for ApiKey Authorization).

Conditions for setting the ApiView parameter:

  • The View must be defined for the access group (for ApiKey Authorization).
  • If the access group has pim_manager or pim_security permissions, access is granted to the entire PIM's view Dictionary.