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product list

About endpoints Product List

Provides the ability to retrieve information about all products in the PIMS system, select products in a specific category, and/or filter them by attributes.

The Product List endpoints for each product contain detailed information about the product, its variants, their corresponding attributes and values. The data returned by the endpoints includes:

  • the number of products found in the API call result
  • an definition object providing complete information about the structure of each attribute in the PIMS system.

✔All endpoints for the Product List API offer sorting and pagination parameters for easy navigation and relevant information search.

✔All API endpoints utilize the ApiView header parameter (optional), which represents the View name from the PIM's view Dictionary

✔If the ApiView parameter is not passed (or wrongly set), data is returned according to the default View defined for the access group (for ApiKey Authorization).

Conditions for setting the ApiView parameter:

  • The View must be defined for the access group (for ApiKey Authorization).
  • If the access group has pim_manager or pim_security permissions, access is granted to the entire PIM's view Dictionary.

About on Page numbering and Sorting

PAGINATION The pageSize parameter should be set in the range of 1 to 500 to avoid excessive data output.

If the page size is not specified, a default limit of 24 items per page (4 columns by 6 rows) will be applied.

The pageNum parameter should be greater than 0, and if page size is not specified, the default size of 24 will be used.

For example, if there are 50 SKUs for category_id=3 and the default page size is 24, a request to will only return 2 items (SKUs 49 and 50 on the third page).

SORTING The order-by parameter in the URL controls the sorting order:

?order-by=%attribute%|%direction%,[next rule]

%direction% can be "asc" for ascending or "desc" for descending

%attribute% is the name of the attribute from the view

For example:|asc,rod_diameter|desc&pageSize=2&pageNum=1 specifies sorting in ascending order by 'sku' and in descending order by 'rod_diameter' attributes.

✔Important part: the attribute should not be a Collection and should be Filterable or Indexable