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Retrieve a list of products by SKUs



Provides the ability to retrieve information about multiple products simultaneously.


Specify the list of SKUs you want to retrieve, separated by commas. The endpoint will return information about the corresponding products and structured category data assigned to the specified product.

Returns an empty array of SKUs if an invalid SKU is specified.

This API call is useful for applications that need to display multiple products at once. By retrieving information about multiple products with a single API request, you can save time and resources compared to sending individual requests for each product.


Query Parameters

    skus string[]required

    comma-separated list of SKUs

Header Parameters

    ApiView string

    View name from the PIM's view Dictionary. ✔If the ApiView parameter is not passed- data is returned according to default View defined for access group.



    status stringrequired

    The status of the API request. A value of "OK" indicates that the request was successfully sent and processed.

    skus string[]required

    Contains a list of SKUs that were specified in the API parameter.

    data objectrequired
    attributes object

    For the SKUs that were specified in the API parameter.

    Part-number00 is provided as an example only.

    Part-number00 object

    Detailed information about the product, its variants, their corresponding attributes, and values

    sku string

    Unique product code or number.

    categories string[]

    Collection of categories that the product is assigned to.

    Presented the relative path of the category that is calculated and uses '>' as a separator for the category name.

    status string

    Status of the product. Can only take the following values: active, inactive, deleted.

    thumbnail string

    Link to internal or external image asset in the form of a url.

    title string

    Short description of the product.

    price string

    Presented as a recommended attribute

    rod_diameter string

    It can be any attribute from your Pims system. The attribute 'rod_diameter' is provided here as an example for the variation SKU.

    variation_attributes string[]

    Collection of attributes for the current product and the SKUs in the variation_skus collection. The values of these attribute data are set as variations of the product.

    variation_of string

    Collection of sku's that are variations of the current product. This field value is automatically maintained by the PIMS.

    variation_skus string[]

    List of sku's that are variations of the current product. This field value is automatically maintained by the PIMS.

    variation_matrix object

    A JSON object in which the variation SKUs act as keys, and their attribute-value pairs act as values. It represents dynamic data that can vary depending on the product and its variations.

    The following JSON schema is provided as an example only, where:

    Part-number01, Part-number02- are the variation SKU keys.

    rod_diameter- is an attribute of the variation SKUs, which can be any attribute from your Pims system. The attribute 'rod_diameter' is provided here as an example.

    Part-number01 object
    rod_diameter string[]
    Part-number02 object
    rod_diameter string[]
    Part-number00 object
    rod_diameter string[]
    definition object

    Complete information about the structure of each attribute in the PIMs system.

    status object
    type stringrequired
    collection string
    isUnique string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    validation string
    isSearchable string
    isIndexable string
    isFilterable string
    group string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    variation_skus object
    isUnique string
    dictionaryIsStatic string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    value string
    collection string
    isIndexable string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    validation string
    group string
    type stringrequired
    isSearchable string
    isSimpleType string
    isFilterable string
    variation_attributes object
    isSearchable string
    group string
    type stringrequired
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isIndexable string
    validation string
    isFilterable string
    isSimpleType string
    value string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    dictionaryIsStatic string
    isUnique string
    collection string
    variation_of object
    isSimpleType string
    isFilterable string
    type stringrequired
    group string
    validation string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isIndexable string
    isSearchable string
    collection string
    dictionaryIsStatic string
    isUnique string
    value string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    sku object
    isFilterable string
    collection string
    isSearchable string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    group string
    type stringrequired
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isIndexable string
    isUnique string
    validation string
    rod_diameter object
    collection string
    isFilterable string
    type stringrequired
    isIndexable string
    isUnique string
    isSimpleType string
    group string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    dictionary object
    visible integer[]
    sortingMethod string
    columns string[]
    validation undefined[]
    sorting undefined[]
    unique integer[]
    data string[]
    validation string
    value string
    isSearchable string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    dictionaryIsStatic string
    price object
    value string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    collection string
    group string
    isFilterable string
    isSimpleType string
    validation string
    isIndexable string
    isUnique string
    type stringrequired
    isSearchable string
    dictionaryIsStatic string
    title object
    isFilterable string
    group string
    collection string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isIndexable string
    isUnique string
    validation string
    isSearchable string
    type stringrequired
    categories object
    type stringrequired
    collection string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isUnique string
    isFilterable string
    isSearchable string
    isIndexable string
    validation string
    group string
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    thumbnail object
    comment objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    group string
    collection string
    type stringrequired
    isSearchable string
    isFilterable string
    isIndexable string
    validation string
    label objectrequired
    en-us stringrequired
    isUnique string
    categories object

    Categories that the product is assigned to.

    CategoryNameParent > CategoryName object

    The relative path of the category that is calculated and uses '>' as a separator for the category name.

    'CategoryNameParent > CategoryName' is provided here as an example.

    cat_id integer

    An automatically calculated value that represents a unique PIMS internal category ID.

    cat_name string

    The name of the category identified by category ID

    cat_path_id string

    The relative path of the category that is calculated and uses '>' as a separator for the unique category ID.
