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Create Product Category

Product categories can be created and maintained from the Categories Management Interface.  All products in the PIM must belong to a category.  If categories are not defined in the PIM and products are not specifically assigned to a category then the product will be assigned to the default category called "Uncategorized".
Create Product Category

Categories Icon

1. Categories Icon
Product Categories Icon displays the Product Categories Menu.

Categories Menu

2. Categories Menu
The product categories menu is a navigational element's purpose is to provide users with access to the Product Categories management interface.
The Product Categories management interface is a back end or administrative section of the PIM where Data Managers can create, edit, and organize different product categories for their products.  These categories may be used in online stores, channels or eCommerce websites. It allows them to structure and categorize their products in a way that makes sense for their business and customers.
Create Product Category

Create category Icon

1. Create category Icon
Create Product Category Icon opens the Create Product Category Overlay.
The Create Product Category Overlay allows new product categories to be created. Product categories can be thought of as the branches of a tree, helping to sort and differentiate products based on various shared characteristics. Product categories play a crucial role in organizing and managing product data effectively.
Create Product Category


1. Name
The name of the category refers to the label or title given to a group of products that share common characteristics or attributes. Categories are used to organize and classify products, making it easier to sort, group and search for products.


2. Parent
A parent category, also known as a top-level category, is a higher-level classification or grouping that contains several subcategories within it. In a hierarchical organization of categories, parent categories serve as the primary divisions that encompass more specific subcategories of products. For example, books are categorized into various sections such as Fiction, Non-Fiction, Science Fiction, Mystery, etc. Each of these categories represents a distinct group of books with similar themes or content.

Cancel Button

3. Cancel Button
The "Cancel" button is a feature commonly found in user interfaces, including Product Information Management Systems (PIM). When clicked, the "Cancel" button cancels or aborts the current operation or action that the user is performing. It allows users to exit a form, discard changes, or abandon a process without saving any modifications.

Save Changes Button

4. Save Changes Button
The "Save Changes " button is a feature commonly found in user interfaces, including Product Information Management Systems (PIM). When clicked, the "Save Changes"  button creates  a new 'Category' based on the data entered in the form. This includes validating the entered data.
By creating Categories users can create categories used to group products. This enhances the classification and grouping of products in the PIM as well as improves the quality of search results and the end user's experience on connected eCommerce platforms and Brand Portals.