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User guide

PIM Boolean Attribute Type

Boolean attributes related to products in a Product Information Management System (PIM) refer to product characteristics that have only two possible values, usually represented as True/False, Yes/No, or 0/1.
These attributes are used to indicate the presence or absence of a specific feature or characteristic in a product. For example, based on real world experience we know a Boolean attribute could be used to denote whether a television is smart-enabled (True) or not (False), whether a clothing item is machine washable (Yes) or not (No), or whether a laptop is in stock (1) or out of stock (0).  PIMInto uses a two state boolean value that represents 'True', 'Yes' or '1' by setting the boolean value to 'True' and 'False', 'No' or '0' by setting the boolean value to 'False'.
Boolean attributes are a straightforward and effective way of categorizing product information in a binary manner. They are especially useful for filtering and sorting products on e-commerce platforms, allowing customers to easily find products that meet their specific requirements.
PIM Boolean Attribute Type


1. Label
Friendly display name for the attribute displayed in the PIM editing user interface. Additionally labels are consumed by the brand portal and are visible to users who browse product data via the brand portal.

Attribute Name

2. Attribute Name
The actual field name that the attribute is stored as in the Product Information Management System. This value will be used by end points and will be returned as the field name in channels and feeds unless otherwise mapped to a different field name using views.


3. Description
Helpful description of the purpose of the attribute stored in the PIM. Assists data entry personnel by proving information about what attribute data is stored in the PIM.


4. Group
Group provides multiple functions in the user interface, brand portals, connected channels, feeds and web sites.  In the user interface Group allows attributes to be Grouped together for easy editing and display.  The screenshot below demonstrates grouping of attributes with the "Group" Dimensions - Packaging" displayed for editing.  All attributes that belong to the group are displayed together.  Please refer to the Product Attribute Groups help topic for more information.  For information on how groups are used by brand portals refer to the Brand Portals help topic.


5. Filterable
Attributes that are filterable may be used to filter products by attribute in Categories.  For more information about filterable attributes see the help topic on Product Categories.


6. Indexable
The contents of the attribute can be indexed. Indexes are used for applying sort order and is different from the "Searchable" property which indexes data elements differently to allow searching on the contents of the attribute data.  Indexing does not allow the ability to search.