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How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

In this "How To PIM Training Video" you will learn how to add a product category to the PIM.  A "product category" is a way to organize and classify products into different groups based on shared characteristics or attributes. This categorization is essential for managing a large variety of products efficiently and effectively. It helps in structuring the product information in a hierarchical and logical manner, making it easier for both the business and its customers to navigate and find products.
Here are some key aspects of product categories in a PIM:
Hierarchical Organization: Product categories often follow a hierarchical structure, where broad categories are broken down into more specific subcategories. For example, a top-level category might be "Clothing," which could be divided into subcategories like "Men's Clothing," "Women's Clothing," and "Children's Clothing," and these could be further divided into more specific groups like "T-Shirts," "Jeans," "Dresses," etc.
Grouping by Common Attributes: Products within a category typically share common attributes. For instance, in a category like "Smartphones," the products would share attributes like brand, model, storage capacity, screen size, and so on.
Facilitating Product Discovery: Categories make it easier for customers to browse and find products on e-commerce platforms. Instead of searching through a vast inventory, customers can navigate through different categories and subcategories to narrow down their search.
Consistency and Standardization: Categories help in maintaining consistency and standardization in how products are presented and organized across different sales channels, be it online stores, catalogs, or physical retail outlets.
Enhanced Search and Filter Options: With well-defined categories, it becomes easier to implement effective search and filter options on e-commerce sites, allowing customers to refine their search based on categories and subcategories.
Marketing and Promotions: Product categories can be used to target specific marketing campaigns and promotions. For example, a discount offer can be targeted at a specific category like "Sports Footwear."
Data Analysis and Reporting: Categories enable businesses to perform more effective data analysis and reporting. Sales performance, customer preferences, and inventory needs can be assessed category-wise, providing valuable insights for business strategy and decision-making.
Integration with Other Systems: In a PIM, product categories are often integrated with other systems like ERP and CRM, ensuring consistent categorization across the entire business operation.
Product categories in a PIM are fundamental for organizing products in a manageable, navigable, and logical manner. They not only enhance the user experience for customers but also provide significant benefits for internal management and strategic business processes.
Watch our "How To add product category to PIM help video" here:
Here are the steps to add a Product Category to the PIM:
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Select Categories

1. Select Categories
Select the Categories menu option to open the manage categories user interface.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Click Add Category

1. Click Add Category
Click the add category to open the "Add Category" dialog.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Type the Name

1. Type the Name
Type the name of the Product Category.

Select the Parent

2. Select the Parent
If the Category is a top level category then leave this value blank, otherwise select the parent category from the drop down.

Click Save Changes

3. Click Save Changes
To save the changes to the new category, click the save changes button .
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Select Add Image

1. Select Add Image
Click on the Add Image Icon to open the "Link Asset" dialog and add and image to the Digital Asset Manager or DAM.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Drag and Drop

1. Drag and Drop
Open an explorer window and navigate to the location of the file.  Select the file in the explorer window, and drag and drop the file onto the link asset dialog.

Select File Dialog

2. Select File Dialog
Select the appropriate image file using the file navigation and selection dialog.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM


1. Navigate
Navigate to the appropriate folder on the local computers storage.


2. Select
Select the desired image file in the file dialog.

Click Open

3. Click Open
Click open to return to the asset dialog and link the image to the category.

Browse Assets

3. Browse Assets
Browse and select an asset from the assets the PIM's existing Digital Assets.  This will associate an existing asset with the category.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Select the Asset

1. Select the Asset
Select the asset to associate with the category by clicking on the asset in the dialog.


2. Continue
Click on the continue button to complete the selection process and associate the asset with the category.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Unlink the File

1. Unlink the File
Click the "X" to un-link a file that has been "dragged and Dropped" or selected using the file section dialog. 

Pre-Populated File Information

2. Pre-Populated File Information
This area shows the pre-populated information about the "asset".

Option Details

3. Option Details
This area displays optional data related to the asset that can be filled in from the User Interface.  Where Media Attributes have similar "named" fields as the assert themselves, the Media attributes values will default to or be pre-poulated with the values from the asset.
How To Video: Add-a-Category to PIM

Image Preview

1. Image Preview
A preview of the associated image is displayed on the Category Management User Interface.
For more information about the settings an options related to Product categories and creating them,   please refer to the help topic: Create Product Category.