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User guide

PIM Text Attribute Type

A text attribute is designed to store alpha and numeric data that is generally going to be displayed on multiple lines.  An example of a text attribute that may be stored in a PIM is the product's long description.  A string attribute differs from a text string attribute in that the string attribute is expected to be shorter whereas the text attribute is expected to be longer and may be multi-line.
A text product attribute refers to a specific attribute or field that allows the inclusion of larger blocks of text or longer-form content within the product data. It is used to capture and store textual information that may exceed the limitations of a standard string attribute.
Text product attributes provide more extensive space for entering descriptive, detailed, or comprehensive textual content related to a product. Here are some key characteristics and use cases of text attributes in a PIM:
Product Descriptions: Text attributes are commonly used to store product descriptions that require more extensive information. This allows for rich and elaborate descriptions that highlight the features, benefits, and unique selling points of a product.
Long-form Specifications: When technical specifications or detailed product information exceed the capacity of a string attribute, a text attribute can be utilized. This allows for the inclusion of lengthy and structured specifications that provide in-depth information about the product.
Product Reviews or Testimonials: Text attributes can be used to capture customer reviews, testimonials, or feedback regarding the product. This helps potential buyers gain insights into the experiences and opinions of others, aiding in their decision-making process.
Product Instructions or Manuals: For complex products that require detailed instructions or user manuals, text attributes can be used to store this content. It allows businesses to provide comprehensive guidance and support to customers.
Additional Product Notes: Text attributes can be employed to store miscellaneous notes or additional information about the product. This can include special handling instructions, compatibility details, warranty information, or any other relevant details that do not fit into predefined fields.
By utilizing text product attributes, businesses can ensure that there is sufficient space to capture and present detailed information about their products. This enables customers to make more informed purchasing decisions and enhances their overall understanding and satisfaction with the product.
PIM Text Attribute Type


1. Label
Friendly display name for the attribute displayed in the PIM editing user interface. Additionally labels are consumed by the brand portal and are visible to users who browse product data via the brand portal.

Attribute Name

2. Attribute Name
The actual field name that the attribute is stored as in the Product Information Management System. This value will be used by end points and will be returned as the field name in channels and feeds unless otherwise mapped to a different field name using views.


3. Description
Helpful description of the purpose of the attribute stored in the PIM. Assists data entry personnel by providing information about what attribute data is stored in the PIM.


4. Group
Group provides multiple functions in the user interface, brand portals, connected channels, feeds and web sites.  In the user interface Group allows attributes to be Grouped together for easy editing and display.  The screenshot below demonstrates grouping of attributes with the "Group" Dimensions - Packaging" displayed for editing.  All attributes that belong to the group are displayed together.  Please refer to the Product Attribute Groups help topic for more information.  For information on how groups are used by brand portals refer to the Brand Portals help topic.


5. Searchable
This is used by the API and Brand Portals when returning or serving data.  This also defines what fields are searched when using the search dialog in the PIM user interface. The PIM is designed to provide fast data serving.  Depending on the number of product SKU's stored in your PIM, setting this value to true on a significant number of attributes will impact the speed of data serving.  Setting this value to true on attributes that should not be searched may negatively impact the Brand Portal and "Fast Data Serving" connected eCommerce web site user experience.


6. Indexable
The contents of the attribute can be indexed. Indexes are used for applying sort order and is different from the "Searchable" property which indexes data elements differently to allow searching on the contents of the attribute data.  Indexing does not allow the ability to search.


7. Collection
A collection is where multiple data values are grouped together and assigned to an attribute. If multiple independent text values will be stored in the attribute for a product SKU then set this value to true.  If one text value will be stored in the attribute per product SKU then set this value to false.


8. Mask
Masks allow data validation using regular expression pattern matching as defined by the standard PCRE2. For more information on Masks see the help topic Data Validation Masks.