Systems Online LogoPIMInto - Product Information Management System
User guide

Filter Dialog

This PIM feature  is designed to enhance your data management experience by enabling you to efficiently filter and focus on specific subsets of SKUs. With the Filter Dialog, you can easily narrow down the number of SKU's that are displayed.  This presents the  the most relevant records without any actual restrictions on data access. This help topic will walk you through the process of applying a filter to the current presentation of the data in the editing user interface, ensuring you can quickly find exactly what you need in order to effectively manage the product information.
Filter Dialog

Search Attribute

1. Search Attribute
The PIM may contain hundreds of product attributes.  Unfiltered lists of attributes may be to long to search effectively. Search for and filter the attribute list using the filter dialog.  In the sample screenshot the dialog contains the filter value "at".  Only attributes that contain the characters "at" will be displayed in the attribute list. Once an attribute is identified that should be used for filtering the current view double-click on the attribute to select it and add it to the filter.  To display an attribute, start typing the attribute name or label.  Attributes must be searchable or filterable to appear in this list.

Matching Attributes

2. Matching Attributes
Typing a value in the search attribute dialog results in attributes that match the

Clear Filter

3. Clear Filter
Clear the attribute filter and hide all attributes from the selection list.

Filter Attribute

4. Filter Attribute
The selected attribute's underlying data will be evaluated based on the condition defined in the Filter Condition and the Filter Value

Filter Condition

5. Filter Condition
The selected condition that will be applied to the attribute's underlying data for each product SKU.  This condition will be evaluated based on the contents of the Filter Value dialog for this attribute.

Filter Value

6. Filter Value
The contents of the attribute's underlying data for each product SKU will be evaluated against this value provided in this dialog based on the filter condition.

Clear Attribute

7. Clear Attribute
Remove the selected attribute from the attribute filter list.


8. Cancel
Exit the dialog and cancel any changes.  revert back to the filter applied before the filter dialog was opened.

Apply Filter

9. Apply Filter
Exit the dialog and apply changes to the current presentation of data.  Data can also be filtered using Views.  Views restrict what data is available to a specific access group whereas a filter restricts what data is currently displayed on a specific page in the PIM user interface but does not restrict access to the underlying data.  For more information please see the help topic Mapping and Restricting PIM Data (Views).