Systems Online LogoPIMInto - Product Information Management System
User guide

Viewing and Editing Products in PIM

Product Information Management System (PIM) plays a vital role in the efficient management of product data. PIMInto stands out as a user-friendly and intuitive solution that offers a robust "View and Edit Interface" for seamless product data management.
The PIM View and Edit Interface has been thoughtfully designed to provide a hassle-free experience when it comes to managing and editing product information. Its clean and organized layout ensures easy navigation and quick access to relevant data for editing. By centralizing all product data in one location, users can effortlessly view and update information without the need to search through multiple screens or tabs.
The interface itself is highly interactive, allowing users to make edits and modifications directly within the system. The interface provides multiple data views and with real-time updates, changes to product descriptions, pricing, attributes, images, and more can be instantly seen. This ensures that product data remains up-to-date and accurate, enhancing the overall efficiency of data management processes.
By default the Product View and Edit Interface or management interface is displayed when a user accesses the PIM.  If the product management interface is not displayed, it can be accessed from the "Product" menu
Viewing and Editing Products in PIM

Product Menu

1. Product Menu
The Product opens the 'Product Menu'.

View and Edit Products

2. View and Edit Products
The "View and Edit Products" menu option in the PIM opens the product editor, allowing users to efficiently manage and make changes to their product data within the system. It provides a convenient interface for users to easily search, filter, update, modify, and maintain their products.
Viewing and Editing Products in PIM


1. Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs are a navigation aid in the Product Information Management System (PIM) that display the user's current location within the product hierarchy. They provide a visual representation of the hierarchical path or "trail" that the user has to follow to reach the current product or category. Each breadcrumb represents a specific level in the hierarchy.
By clicking on the breadcrumbs, users can easily navigate to higher levels or parent categories within the product hierarchy. This functionality allows for quick and intuitive navigation, enabling users to backtrack or jump to higher levels without having to rely solely on the back button, search  or complex menu navigation.

Add Product

2. Add Product
To add a new product in the PIM, simply click on the "Add Product" icon. This action opens an empty product form specifically designed for creating new product data entries within the PIM. Users can then proceed to fill out the form with the relevant details and specifications of the new product, allowing for seamless and efficient data entry and management within the system.

Compare Products

3. Compare Products
After selecting multiple products in the Product Information Management System (PIM), users can utilize the "Compare Products" icon to initiate a product attribute comparison. By clicking this icon, the PIM presents a side-by-side comparison of attribute values for the selected products, allowing users to analyze and contrast the information.
In the Product Information Management System (PIM), the ability to compare product attributes is a valuable feature. Once users have selected multiple products, they can leverage the "Compare Products" icon to initiate attribute value comparisons. By clicking this icon, the PIM presents a side-by-side view of attribute values for the selected products, allowing users to easily analyze and contrast the information.
The benefits of the product attribute comparison feature are significant. It simplifies product evaluation by providing a convenient way to identify attribute similarities and differences. Users can quickly identify variations in price, dimensions, specifications, or any other pertinent product information. This streamlined evaluation process supports more informed decision-making.  Viewing attribute values side by side helps identify key differentiators and unique selling points among the selected products. This facilitates effective product positioning and marketing strategies, leading to improved customer engagement.
Data accuracy is also enhanced through attribute comparisons. Users can quickly spot any discrepancies or inconsistencies in the attribute values, allowing for prompt correction and ensuring data integrity within the system. By maintaining accurate and reliable product information, businesses can establish credibility and trust with their customers.


4. Filter
Select the Filter button to define and apply a temporary filter to the SKU data that is displayed.  The filter dialog allows the selection of the  filterable attributes and the filter condition to be applied to the current view.  To find out more about applying a filter to the current view please refer to the Filter Dialog help topic.


5. Clear
If a Filter is applied using the "Filter" dialog,  the "Clear" icon will remove the Filter that has been applied using the "Filter" dialog from the dataset.  Datasets may be filtered using the Filter Dialog and Filtered using a "View".    

Show Deleted

6. Show Deleted
SKU's that are deleted may not be immediately removed from the PIM.  In the case where SKU's are not immediately removed then a SKU is marked as "deleted" and may still have the related SKU data in the database.  In order to view SKU's that have been marked as deleted but bot actually removed from the underlying PIM data select this setting.  SKU's that are marked as deleted can be "restored" or "undeleted" by modifying the "Status" of the SKU.

Sort Order Selector

7. Sort Order Selector
The sort order selector in the Product Information Management System (PIM) enables users to sort product data based on specific criteria. However, for an attribute to be sortable, it must be defined as indexable when configuring the attribute. Indexing an attribute allows for optimized sorting operations, enhancing the speed and efficiency of sorting large datasets based on that attribute's values.

Category Selector

8. Category Selector
The category selector in the editing interface of the Product Information Management System (PIM) serves to limit the products displayed based on the selected category. Users can utilize the dropdown menu to choose a specific category, and upon selection, they can click on the search icon to narrow down the list of displayed products accordingly. This functionality allows for efficient filtering and focus on products within a particular category, aiding in streamlined product management and navigation

Product Search Dialog

9. Product Search Dialog
Product Search dialog provides the ability to search for products.  To use the search function type a value in the search dialog and click on the search icon.  The PIM user interface will request matching results and display them in the product management interface.   Which fields are searched is determined by each individual attribute's type and configuration.  Only attributes that have been configured as searchable will return results. SKU is always searchable.

Select View

10. Select View
The view selector in the Product Information Management System (PIM) applies a specific data view to the product management interface. By selecting a particular view, the interface dynamically hides or shows product attributes based on the predefined definition of that view. This allows users to focus on the relevant attributes and customize their product management experience based on their specific needs and preferences. Users with the Role Access Manager and Data Manager have access to all Views.  Once  a View is assigned to an Access Group that Access Group will only have access to the assigned views. For more information about roles please see the Roles help topic.

Layout Selector

11. Layout Selector
Layout selector allows the products and related attribute data to be displayed and edited as a list, cards, or spread sheet view. For more information about layouts and their   functionality please see the help topic Interface Layout Options.

Completeness Indicator

12. Completeness Indicator
For more information about Completeness attributes please refer to the help topic PIM Completeness Attribute Type.

Selected Attributes

13. Selected Attributes
Attributes that are displayed on the product "List View" are defined or selected by using the "Setup Layout" button on the on the Product Detail Page.  Please refer to these help topics for information on how to select what attributes should be displayed in the user interface.

Select To Compare Product

14. Select To Compare Product
Clicking the "Select To Compare Product" icons for multiple SKU's or products, selects these product for side by side comparison.  To compare selected SKU's or products click on the "Compare Products" icon after selecting multiple products.