How to Add Product Attributes in PIM
To add an attribute a user must belong to an Access Group with the Role of either Access Manager or Data Manager.
To add attributes to the Product Information Management System open the "Attributes" settings window by clicking on the "Settings Icon" and selecting the "Attributes" menu option
To add an attribute click on the "add attribute" button on the the "Attributes" settings window.
![]() Clicking the "Add Attribute" icon opens the add attribute dialog window. Help topics have been created for all available attribute types and are listed at the end of this topic. For more information about each attribute types setting please refer to the help topic for that attribute type.
The Add attribute dialog window provides the ability to add attributes to the Product Information Management System (PIM).
Once an attribute type has been selected the properties for the attribute must be defined. An explanation of each attributes properties and their impact on the PIM and product data have been defined in a help topic for each attribute type. Common properties es include the attributes label, the attribute name, description and group.
For more information about the properties that can be defined for each attribute please refer to the help topics below:
To avoid common mistakes when defining attributes please see the following help topics: