Elastic Search

A search engine based on the Lucene library, providing a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface and schema-free JSON documents.

What is Elastic Search?

Elasticsearch is a distributed, open-source search and analytics engine designed for horizontal scalability and real-time search capabilities. It is built on top of the Apache Lucene search library and offers a RESTful API that allows users to perform complex search queries and conduct analytics on large volumes of structured or unstructured data. Elasticsearch provides a powerful full-text search feature that supports multitenancy, meaning it can handle various types of data simultaneously. It also includes features such as automatic sharding, replication, and fault tolerance to ensure high availability and reliability. By using Elasticsearch, organizations can efficiently index, search, and analyze their data across a wide range of use cases, including log analysis, website search, data visualization, and more. Its flexible schema and support for near real-time indexing make it a popular choice for applications requiring fast and accurate search capabilities. Additionally, Elasticsearch integrates seamlessly with other components in the Elastic Stack, such as Kibana for data visualization and logstash for data collection and processing, to provide a comprehensive solution for managing and analyzing data.