Product Information Management (PIM) Solutions For Distributors

Today, distributors do everything they can to create the most effective shopping experience, analyzing various practices and experimenting with different options. Product information management (PIM) can be a game-changer because its main approach is to centralize, optimize, and develop data management. With PIM, you will be able to effectively collect, manage, and send data using various channels. When you have to deal with thousands of products, you may look for a tool or mechanism that simplifies your work.

pim for distributors

Why do Distributors Choose PIMinto for PIM?

One of the primary reasons to choose PIMinto for product information management is to work smoothly, processing large amounts of data. The idea is not only to operate data according to the existing standards and rules but also to integrate it into the existing systems. Such a process requires data synchronization and customization, which can be difficult due to the overall amount of information. Our smooth operators clearly understand what to do. They perform the analysis to find the right approach and implement PIM solutions to increase the efficiency of your business, which will later lead to higher revenue.

Simplify Product Data With Our PIM Solutions

To succeed as a distributor and grow your business, you have to change your approach to business in different areas. Below, we present PIM solutions that will help your team improve and adapt to new tactics.

We centralize your product information management

We focus on eliminating errors and issues that cause problems during the working process. Our experts work not just to eliminate issues but also to eliminate the source so the same problem won’t happen again. Pimento specialists adjust the data management system to ensure it fits the supply chains of your partners. Moreover, all the information you receive about the partners’ products will match the existing standards (brand name, key attributes, etc.

We eliminate manual operations and focus on efficiency

When you switch to automated data management, the time required to perform operations and access the system significantly reduces. Our approach helps companies eliminate repeatable tasks, which saves resources and allows you to focus on strategic areas. For example, you can spend more on value-added resources.

We enhance data quality and simplify all the operations

PIMinto relies on a centralized product information management system to effectively control all the information inside each system. We move to the highest standards of data distribution and help companies adapt to the newest formats to expand their product range.

pim for distributors

Benefits of PIMinto solutions for distributors

The solutions described in the previous part are not the only advantages of our services. When helping our clients with product information management, our moves help simplify and optimize the workflow.

pim distributors

Your Targeting Becomes Better

The market evolves very quickly, and the only way to survive among competitors is to adapt. Effective product information management leads to marketing automation and smart operations control. You build behavior-based communication and work with different customer segments to find your target audience and boost sales.

You Work According to the Newest Classification Standards

With the newest classification standards, you can easily orient yourself among product attributes, categories, and groups. You see how all the options are connected, and your customers won’t be disappointed when searching for the needed goods.

You Get Higher Productivity

By eliminating manual work and moving away from paper-based databases, you spend less time processing the data and focus on more important tasks.

Empower Your Distribution Business with PIM Solutions

Product information management solutions significantly impact the distribution process (especially for multi-channel systems). When distributors can maintain up-to-date information and navigate inside the system, it reduces the load and allows you to control all the processes effectively. Moreover, with the latest PIM solutions, you will strengthen the brand reputation and build credibility with customers.

pim distributors

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