
A form of online advertising that enables sites to show targeted ads to users who have already visited their site.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing is a powerful online marketing strategy that allows businesses to reconnect with individuals who have previously visited their website or engaged with their brand in some way. By using tracking pixels or cookies, businesses can follow these users as they browse the internet and display targeted ads to them. This approach helps keep the brand top of mind and can encourage the user to return to the website and complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form. Remarketing is a valuable tool for increasing conversion rates and maximizing the impact of a company's marketing efforts. It allows businesses to tailor their messaging to specific segments of their audience based on their previous interactions, increasing the chances of turning these individuals into customers. By strategically timing and customizing their ads, businesses can effectively nurture leads and drive more conversions. In essence, remarketing is a way to re-engage with potential customers who have already shown interest in a brand, ultimately helping to boost sales and improve overall marketing ROI.