SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

A unique identifier for each distinct product and service that can be purchased.

What is a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)?

A SKU, or Stock Keeping Unit, is a unique code assigned to each product to track its inventory and sales. SKUs help businesses efficiently manage their inventory by providing a specific identifier for each item in their stock. This code typically includes details such as product type, size, color, and any other relevant information that differentiates one product from another. By using SKUs, businesses can easily organize and locate products within their inventory system, as well as track sales and monitor stock levels. This system is crucial for businesses to maintain accurate records, forecast demand, and streamline their supply chain management processes. SKUs play a key role in retail operations, allowing companies to effectively monitor product movement, identify popular items, and make informed decisions about restocking and pricing strategies. Overall, SKUs are essential tools for ensuring smooth operations and maximizing efficiency in inventory management for businesses of all sizes.