
Product Experience Management (PXM): Everything You Need to Know

Providing a great product experience to clients is not an option; it’s a vital factor in making your brand stand out and helping you enhance customer loyalty. When we talk about creating and distributing entertaining product content to customers, t

Maksym Bilokon

July 24, 2024


Why Product Content is Essential for eCommerce Business?

When people only start their path in eCommerce business, they underestimate the importance of product content. Some individuals thought they could just implement changes in the source code of the application, and it would be enough. If you want to ac

Maksym Bilokon

June 27, 2024


Why do You Need to Integrate PIM for Shopify?

Product information management (PIM) is considered a game-changer for those who sell goods and services on Shopify. Managing product data manually may be a nightmare for business owners. To speed up the process and reduce mistakes, they look for effi


What Is a Product Line Sheet?

For wholesale business, product line sheet is one of the most essential tools. Its main purpose is product presentation. With a proper product line sheet, you may convince clients to purchase your products. In previous years, line sheets for products


Multichannel vs Omnichannel: Navigating the Future of E-commerce Marketing

Superficial verbal associations suggest that omnichannel retail sounds much cooler and more mysterious than multichannel. Nowadays, it is also a much more fashionable term. It is a subject of lively discussion among marketers, IT managers who widel

Anton Koroid

January 15, 2024


Challenges in E-commerce Catalog Management

According to a recent report from Amsterdam University, Western Europe remains the leader in the share of B2C e-commerce in Europe. In the countries of the region, e-commerce has a significant impact on the GDP of the area, with the industry's co

Anton Koroid

December 11, 2023


Understanding eCommerce: What is a GTIN Number?

Have you ever wondered what is a GTIN Number, and why it's such an essential part of our everyday shopping experience? Like the DNA sequence in living organisms, this unique identifier serves as the genetic code for products worldwide. It helps disti

Mark James

November 28, 2023


The Importance of E-commerce Catalog Management

Efficient catalog management plays a pivotal role in enhancing the customer’s e-commerce experiences, driving sales, and staying ahead of the competition. Whether you're a seasoned e-commerce giant or just starting your digital retail journ

Anton Koroid

November 6, 2023


Challenges in Product Information Management and How PIM Overcomes Them

The evolution of the e-commerce market has been nothing short of remarkable. As consumers increasingly turn to online platforms for their shopping needs, businesses have had to adapt and innovate to stay competitive. As e-commerce demands chan

Anton Koroid

November 3, 2023


The Role of SEO in E-commerce Catalog Management

The digital landscape is brimming with choices for consumers, efficient catalog management is essential. However, it's not just about having a well-organized catalog. It’s also about making it easily discoverable by your target audience.

Anton Koroid

November 1, 2023


Choosing the Right PIM for Your E-commerce Business

In e-commerce, product information is paramount and customer expectations are continually on the rise, a robust Product Information Management (PIM) system is your business's best ally. PIM can streamline the management of your product data,

Anton Koroid

October 30, 2023


The Global Growth of PIM in E-commerce

The world of e-commerce has witnessed a remarkable transformation over the past few years, with technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors driving the industry forward. One key aspect of this transformation is the growing importance o

Anton Koroid

October 27, 2023